Friday, July 9, 2010

Missionary Work

Recently our small peninsular has been invaded by missionaries. They arrive stealthily by cars which they park quite close to us. They then wander up and down our roads searching for occupants. Obviously, their intel is not up to speed as most of the houses are in fact second homes and have few residents, but they don't ever seem to be in a hurry.

They other day I returned sweaty and grumpy from a bike ride. It was not the fault of the ride that I was grumpy however, as it's a state I often enjoy.

S.W.M.B.O. (She who must be obeyed) was in conversation with two well-dressed fellows at the doorstep. They seemed anxious to leave but, my wife immediately introduced me. "They want to know if we've read the bible," she said.

I explained that we had both been to schools where studying of the bible was mandatory, so we did in fact know the plot. I pointed out the we had even read the Apocrypha, which might be considered to be taking it all a little too far.

I've always enjoyed the chance to talk to such people as they generally seem to be very happy, if not a little smug. They pressed me on my religious beliefs and I explained that we were in fact commited Deists, which caused some confusion. The elder of the two seemed to know the term, but the younger was floored. I suggested that he read up a bit on the competition before he launched himself on a cold calling session of any neighborhood.

I have seen several of these teams walking about since, but none of them has approached our house. Do you think the first two have put some sort of secret mark on our house?

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