Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday's Column - Metro

Sunday's column for The Sun was on my recent ride on the Blue Line Metro, which we covered here a few weeks back.  No need to get into it again.  However I have one request to make from the railway companies of the world: Could we please standardize on the use of ticket machines?

Grandson Evan studying the rules for ticket purchase
Now there must be enough international information on the use of these gadgets to make it easier for the casual traveler, rather than what we have at the moment.  Currently no doubt there are very clever engineers sitting hunched over drawing boards worrying over the design of Spanish, French, Japanese, and for all I know Mongolian ticket dispensing boxes.  The result is that it is a true horror for anyone approaching them for the first time.  It also makes the regulars lining up behind one very cross as you have to read all the instructions.  This one above gave us back gold-colored coins for change that were not even legal tender.
You can read the full story on

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