Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thank You Notes

I sometimes get thank you's from people who read the column - often complaints too from those who find some of my information incorrect.  I received a whine from a fellow the other day about the weight of a musket carried by the Mormon Battalion.  I had stated that they weighed 60 pounds each and he remonstrated with me that this was not the case.  I had received the information from the guide who took us on the guided tour and wrote back to tell him. 

But he replied that I should forward his email on to them so they don't make the same mistake in the future.  Silly fool!  I imagine him sitting there waiting for a chance to pounce on minutiae.
I did receive an actual thank you letter from a lady the other day, who had asked me to cover an event.  It appeared to be hand written and included her card for future use - I shall add her to the list of blog receivers on Saturday mornings - that should teach her!  It says something of the age we live in, as I said "appeared" as the writing was so good I suspected that it might have been computer generated.  I even put the magnifying glass on it, but I think the lady just has very good handwriting.

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