Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thoughts on January 10th

January 10th has always been an important day for us.  It was the birthday of both my mother and also my mother-in-law.  They are now both deseased, but the date is also significant for another reason.  Since a couple of weeks before the winter solstice (Dec 21st) the days have been annoying short.  But on Jan 10th there is the very first glimmer of change.  Sunsets begin to get progressively later - by just a minute to begin with.  But now they are ten minutes later each day and soon it will be fifteen.  One thing I don't understand is that sunrise takes about two weeks to make any alteration in it's arrival and stubbornly sticks on 7:00 a.m.  It's creeping earlier by a minute each day now however.
If you want to find out the times for sunrise and sunset and see the graduations in your area, go to this site and type in your city http://www.sunrisesunset.com/predefined.asp

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