Tuesday, April 17, 2012

100th Monkey

Many years ago I was told about the 100th monkey in the learning process.  It seems that many of the world's zoos had noticed that if an orange was peeled and then dipped in sand monkeys would eat it in spite of the unpleasant taste of the sand.  What was remarkable was after 100 monkeys had done this they would discover that by dropping the orange in their water bowls the sand washed off and made the orange much nicer.  I point this learned behavior out as it often occurs to me how well people in general drive these days.  I know there are accidents, but considering the numbers and the speed on the roads its pretty well done.  Now of course, not every society has been doing this as long as we in the West, hence the following film out of China which is new to the activity.  It's amazing, and let's hope they get better at it.  How close are they to learing  the skills automatically?  It takes about seven minutes to view.  Best to fasten your seat belts, it's uncomfortable!


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