Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday's Column - Palm Springs

This Sunday's Column is about a trip down to Palm Springs.  I usually visit there around February or March before it reaches its broiling temperatures - yesterday on April 21st, it reached 102; far too hot for this mountain dweller!  But in early spring, it's a great time to go and enjoy the differences in the two climates.
Downtown Palm Springs
Palm Springs has changed a lot over the last  30 years and now it's a very busy place with lots of snowbirds escaping from the cold weather to the north.  It's also a great place for dining, shopping and the purpose of my visit, the Palm Springs Art Museum, which is a positive jewel.  That will be the column next week.  On the way back I called in to see the Wildwater Preserve, which is a real oasis in the desert.  You can read the entire column at

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