Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Mostly Southern California has been good to me regarding hay fever, which used to plague me in the UK all my adult life.  The culprit was grass pollen and England has a lot of grass.  That is not to say people escape completely as we have other pollens in the air out here from time to time.

Here is one of the problems at 6750 feet above sea level.  We have a lot of pine trees and around late May early June they start to explode their seeds and spurt forth with new growth.

The result is this little cone which has just let loose.

It sends new shoots out and in the process lets loose its yellow pollen.

This stuff gets everywhere.

It covers all surfaces and lays on the roads and pathways around us.

Fortunately we had some serious winds the other day and I think the pollen has blown away.  Time to wash off the driveway, I think.

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