Saturday, July 21, 2012

US Navy

You meet interesting people in bars.  Here is barman Bill in Del Mar, CA.

During a lull in service we got talking and he told us a little about the strength of the US Navy.  He'd spent four years in submarines and his longest stint under water was 78 days.  He told us that there are ten Trident nuclear driven subs in service at all times - Boomers. Each one is equipped with 32 nuclear missiles that can be launched from underwater. 

Each missile has ten warheads and they deploy to programmed targets.  Each Boomer has two crews - a blue and a gold.  Each team goes to sea for a month or two at a time then return for the boat to be serviced in a two-week period, then out goes the other team.  It's a lot of weaponery isn't it?  I'm rather glad about it.  I wonder how Mr. Ahmadinijad feels - I hope he knows the stats?

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