Thursday, August 23, 2012

Favorite Cars - Corsair

When you drive one of a fleet of cars as a salesman, there is always great competition for one that is a little bit better than the rest.  Having won a big sales competition, I was also in need of replacing the company Ford Cortina, and I pushed my luck all the way and argued for a Ford Cosair, which was quite a sporty and interesting car. 

The only other one in the company was driven by one of the managers, but his had all the extras on it.  I argued that with the mileage I did and the type of accounts I visited, it would benefit the company for me to have a better than normal vehicle.  They bought it, hence I drove this one.  I was a pretty good salesman after all, and not just outside the firm!
It was 1970, and I must say I did feel pretty flash!

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